...0:你如果是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧。——魔鬼想引诱耶稣凭自己做事,来证明自己,弃掉神的方法和神的时间;Jesus once said: “the Son can do nothing by
himself, he can do only what hesees the Father doing. ”
He keeps what he s...
...le to worship him, rather than letting them worship the Creator God. 因为魔鬼用尽手段诱惑神的子民敬拜他,而不是敬拜造物主。But only humility and submission to God are fatal weapons to defeat the devil who is proud and rebellious.
... the desert where the devil tempted
him .圣灵引主耶稣到旷野,受魔鬼的试探。Obviously, 很明显,the goal of temptation from Satan is to cause us to sin, 魔鬼试探的目的是叫我们犯罪,But God never tempts anyone with the goal of causing them to sin .但神绝不会试...
...场战役。两国争战,看不见的世界掌管那看得见的世界,魔鬼遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。彼得曾因惧怕三次不认主,经历仇敌魔鬼如何胜过他;We face spiritual warfare every day, and our lives are a battle. Two kingdoms are at war; the unseen world i...