...kers. 而不是制造麻烦。But bitterness causes gossip, 苦毒则带来谗言、division, 纷争、and
hurt. 伤害。As followers of Jesus, 作为基督的跟随者,we must grow in gratitude to influence those around
us. 我们当在感恩中成长,来影响周围的人。Today, 今天,...
...broken heart.
is useless to try to mend our relationships even if we say sorry after having
indulged our negative emotions. 发泄了负面情绪,就算道歉也没有用,关系补不好。Because
our h...
...hteousness, gossip, slander, complaining, and backbiting.骄傲、自义、谗言、毁谤、背后说坏话
Paul the apostle tells
us, 使徒保罗告诉我们:that “knowledge
puffs up while love builds up. 1 Cor 8:1b”, “知识是叫人自高自大,惟有爱心能...
...with judgmental attitudes and malicious talk 我们岂不该除去论断和谗言and be merciful to the people like us who have sinned以恩慈待那些和我们一样犯罪的人吗? Last story最后是一个见证, during the week这个星期, someone who is not among
us came to see me...