...想和神建立亲密的关系,与神面对面,进入得胜,百般的试炼是必考的一个考试,这些都是他们所走过的路。James used his life to speak to us. If you want to establish an intimate relationship with God, face God, and enter victory, all kinds of trials are a ...
... testing of faith in James 1:1-4. 我们分享了雅各书1:1-4中信心的试炼。Then, in v.5, 然后,在第5节,James immediately encourages believers to ask
God for wisdom. 雅各立即鼓励信徒向神求智慧。Wisdom? 智慧?How many of us desire wisdom? 我们中有多少人渴慕...
...never you face trials of many kinds, 2 我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐;because you know that the testing of your
faith produces perseverance. 3 因为知道你们的信心经过试验,就生忍耐。Let
perseverance finish its work so that you may be matur...