...世界传讲真理,but the world
was offended但这个世界却感到被冒犯了! That’s why Jesus
said 这就是主为什么说, “do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you,
but division Luke12:51.” 你们以为我来,是叫地上太平吗?我告诉你...
...by the Pharisees’ slandering words, 这不是因法利赛人的毁谤冒犯了耶稣,so
that he repaid them with swearwords. 耶稣就以恶言还击。No! Jesus
called the Pharisees a “brood of vipers.” 不!主耶稣称其为“毒蛇的种类”,Because He knew wh...
...quo;s words or
actions, 我们发怒是因别人说的话、做的事冒犯了我们, and we get
hurt or feel uncomfortable with someone. 让我们受了伤,或对那人感觉不舒服。Brothers
and sisters, 弟兄姊妹,we live in a corrupted world, 我们活在...