rejection, and the shame of the cross. 但他却胜过了试探,冒犯感,拒绝感,和十架的羞辱感。He
said, “follow me. 他说:“跟从我,follow
my way of doing life and relationships, 遵循我的生活方式和与人相处,and
learn from Me.” 学我...
...and will hate one another Matt 24:10. 那时,必有许多人(直译:被冒犯) 跌倒,也要彼此陷害,彼此恨恶;(太24:10)Jesus says, 耶稣在说,many Christians will get offended
easily. 很多基督徒会轻易的因感到被冒犯而跌倒。When we don’t keep
... about offenses and
forgiveness. 路加福音17章起头,是耶稣讲论冒犯和饶恕的问题。And Jesus makes it
clear that offences will come to everyone. 主耶稣很明白地说遇到冒犯是难免的,Offenses can damage our faith, 冒犯感会毁坏我们的信心,and our personal ...
...另一个原因 is because we’re offended. 是因为我们感到被冒犯。In
the bible, why did the teachers of the law judge Jesus? 在圣经中,为什么律法师要论断耶稣?They
judged Jesus to be the prince of demons driving out demons. 他们论断耶稣是鬼王赶鬼,They