... thoughts, bitterness, and unforgiveness, 心里若充满惧怕、嫉妒、自义、苦毒、不饶恕,how
can the person speak good words? 嘴里还能说出什么好话呢?The heart really matters in God’s
eyes. 在神的眼里我们的心思意念才是关键。 The first ...
...先除掉自己的罪, and our own pride and self-righteousness以及骄傲自义, and be changed by God first先被神改变. In Matt 7:1-6(太7:1-6), Jesus points out why people love making judgement on others耶稣指出人为什么喜欢论断他人, for the fallen nature attempts to chang...
...uddhists, 但不像佛教徒who do good works out of self-righteousness,凭自义做好事,resulting in self-exaltation,果子就是高举自我,pride,骄傲,comparison比较, and quarrelling.吵架,We’re called to be led by The Spirit to do good
...isee’s prayer in a self-righteous attitude神不会接受法利赛人自义的祷告, but would justify the tax collector但是却称那税吏为义, because he humbled himself因他谦卑自己, and turned to God with a heart of fear of
God以敬畏之心转向神, which touched