...uit of the flesh is pride,而肉体的果子是骄傲,self-righteousness,自义,selfish ambition, 自我彰显,competition, 争竞,jealousy, 嫉妒,slander and judgement, 毁谤和论断and so on.等等。Thus, 如此,you can examine
yourself by the fruit. 你就可以从果子来检验...
...没有信神的怜悯而悔改,人是怎样一步步从罪到沮丧,到自义,最后走向死亡的。When God rejected
Cain’s offering, 当上帝拒绝该隐的献祭时,his face ‘fell’, 他变了脸色,he was angry and depressed.他愤怒而沮丧。 God graciously war...
...hey were not clean, 里面却不洁净,full of self-righteousness, 充满自义,fear, 惧怕,jealousy,
嫉妒,greed, 贪婪,and
unforgiving thoughts. 和不饶恕的意念。The
true light of the world Jesus,世上的真光耶稣,never
hates sinners, 从不恨罪人,but
hates sin....
...益. There is no entrance
of the kingdom of Heaven for the self-righteous自义进不了天国. As Jesus clearly said主耶稣明明白白地说, “unless your righteousness surpasses…you will certainly not
enter the kingdom of Heaven. 你们的义若不胜于……断不能...