...e works of the flesh which are hostile to God使人恨恶罪和情欲,和肉体的工作,因肉体是与神为仇!Do they lead people to love Jesus
and His truth alone是把人引向单单爱耶稣爱真理? Or do those
miracles lead people to worship idols – the flesh’s desires...
Resist Satan by setting our minds on things above 以思念天上的事来抵挡撒旦。
V.10 Jesus refused Satan and said: &l...
... if you live according to the sinful
nature, you will die; 你们若顺着肉体活着,必要死; but if by the
Spirit you put to death the misdeeds of the body, you will live. 若靠着圣灵治死身体的恶行,必要活着。For those who are
led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. ...
...能看完能睡呀, 最后那几行以很快的速度来看完,体贴了肉体赶紧去睡觉了。(还没有意识到已经犯罪)。My heart said, “Why the message is so long? When
can I read it through and go to bed? So I read as fast as I can the last few lines,
and went to bed and...