...hings we have done by the
Holy Spirit.原来在基督里,我们不夸耀肉体(属罪本性)所行的善,夸的是靠着圣灵凭着信心在主里所行之事。Circumcision is God’s command to the Jews (in Leviticus 12:3). 割礼是神对犹太人的诫命(利未书12:3)。But the...
...not! Those who acts of the flesh will not inherit the kingdom
of God随从肉体的不能承受神的国. To inherit the Kingdom is to rule with Christ, that is
different from just entering the Kingdom.That’s why 1 John 3:7-8a(约一3:7-8a) says才会说, “little children, let no...
if I lived according to them, I was putting myself in a dangerous situation,
because the enemy came to deceive me by giving false dreams, as I didn’t keep God’s word in my heart. 并且若我顺...