the corrupted self keeps us from gaining heavenly wisdom. 罪和堕落的老我使我们得不着属天的智慧。 But when we turn away from the self and its sinful thoughts, 但当我们离弃老我和有罪的意念,to following the Word of God, 去跟从神的话,because
we revere God, ...
...们遵行神命令的最大敌人是谁?不是魔鬼,而是我们自己(老我)! “the sinful mind is hostile to God. Romans 8:7a原来体贴肉体的,就是与 神为仇;(罗马书 8:7上 )” Taking up your cross means No more of yourself! No more self! No more of our
desires, no...