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...and resurrected to save sinners, 理解福音不只是耶稣死里复活救罪人,but also about His kingdom on earth. 更是带下祂的国度在地上,这是至关重要的。Why is it so crucial? 为什么?Because before the Kingdom of Christ comes in perfection and fullness to rule on e...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:14

[OTBC Sermons] [匹配度:84%] 2019-11-03 Spiritual Warfare 属灵争战
...yer like this, 我的祷告很简单,“I’m a sinner, 我是个罪人, I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, 我相信耶稣为我的罪死在十字架上,I accept Jesus into my heart, 我接受耶稣进入我心里,to be my Saviour and the Lord of my life. 成为...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:39

[OTBC Sermons] [匹配度:84%] 2017-11-05 The Beatitudes (2) 天国八福之二
...faith但这位弟兄在信心里宣告, “Yes是, I was a sinner我是罪人, but now Jesus’ blood has cleansed me但耶稣的宝血洁净了我!” The demon’s mouth was shut by the blood of Jesus Christ邪灵的口就马上被宝血止住了! Godly mourning through the convi...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:30:05

[OTBC Sermons] [匹配度:81%] 2019-09-29 Mission and Compassion 使命与怜悯
...uo;t deserve His mercy. 是为了饶恕我们这些本不配得他怜悯的罪人。So compassion means that we recognize the suffering of others. 因此,怜悯就是我们感知他人的苦楚。We “suffer with” someone else who is like us who don’t deserve mercy. 并且与...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:31

[OTBC Sermons] [匹配度:81%] 2017-08-29 Put God first 把神放第一位 (4)
...o;Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man. 主啊,离开我,我是个罪人!” Have you noticed? 有个地方你注意了吗? Luke 5:5, Peter called Jesus “Master” not “Lord,” 路5:5,彼得起先称耶稣为“夫子”,而不是“主”...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:14

[见证] [匹配度:80%] 罪人蒙恩
  弟兄姊妹大家好,我是吴鹏博弟兄。出生在中国东北黑龙江佳木斯市,今年42岁,现居住在广东省深圳市;感谢主的恩典,能与众多弟兄姊妹一起工作、生活、被主建造; 靠自己打拼十年,一无所获   我是独生...
发表于 2022-06-25 12:30:57

[见证] [匹配度:79%] 神的管教是爱,我腿痛近30天
...知道感恩! 提前 1:15,基督耶稣降世,为要拯救罪人。这话是可信的,是十分可佩服的。在罪人中我是个罪魁。愿神继续带领我走认识罪对付罪的十字架道路,走更多的领受耶稣的恩典的道路!  见证人:陈弟兄&n...
发表于 2022-04-22 12:04:03

...ng first that I was a sinner, I wasn’t perfect. 首先承认自己是罪人,我不完美,Then acknowledging the hurts, I realised that the hurts were related to my original family, where I got hurt from my parents and brother’s words and behaviours. 然后承认自己所受的伤...
发表于 2023-02-27 11:52:38

[见证] [匹配度:73%] 争战中得释放
...自己何等骄傲,常常也像这些法利赛人无怜悯,忘记自己罪人的本相。I repented with tears for I was just as proud as those Pharisees showing no mercy and forgetting I was also a sinner. 也像浪子的故事里面的那个大儿子,不以神的喜乐为喜乐,不明白...
发表于 2022-07-31 19:25:01

[信仰问答] [匹配度:71%] 论断的营垒怎么除掉?
发表于 2021-12-24 15:28:55
