...king in a big mental hospital. 当我25岁时不信教时,我认识一位精神病医生,他是我妈妈的同事,在一家大型精神病院工作。 One day, this psychiatrist
suddenly became a famous fortune teller. 有一天,这位精神病医生突然成了一位出名的算命先生...
...刺的铁丝网,因那前一晚,我一直在到处走,无处可去,精神失常。Someone else called the police and other people were watching. 有人叫了警察,其他人在围观。The police thought it was best to put me in a mental hospital. 警察认为最好把我送去精神病院...
...个警察拉去了市医院做精神鉴定,自杀倾向严重,被关进精神病医院里一个星期,被关进去过2次。Finially, I got to the point where it was so bad. I was dragged to
the city hospital in Christchurch by 14 policemen for a psychiatric evaluation.
I had serious suicida...