...人在神面前祷告, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector一个法利赛人,一个税吏. The Pharisee stood up and prayed like this那法利赛人站着,自言自语地祷告, “God, I thank you that I am
not like those people神啊,我感谢你,我不像别人…I fast...
...the kingdom of
heaven. 我告诉你们:你们的义若不胜于文士和法利赛人的义,断不能进天国。”1, Degrees of greatness in the Kingdom. 神国里不同程度的大 (Matt 太 5:19) After the Beatitudes, Jesus continues his teaching
on the principles of the Kingdom. 在八...
may call God, “Father”, like the Pharisees did. 他可能像法利赛人一样称神为“父”。He may pray like a
Christian, 他可能像基督徒一样祷告,
but he speaks like a dragon, 但他说话却好像龙,he
speaks boastfully. 说夸大的话。He
judges a...
...orship祂不看重仅仅外在的敬拜行为, like the Pharisees did就象法利赛人那样. No不, He is looking for
a right motive and attitude in our hearts祂寻找的是我们里面的正确的动机和态度. We thank Jesus for his sermon here我们在此感谢主耶稣, which reveals a bra...