...…Forgive them and accept them just as they are…照他们的本相饶恕和接纳他们…because Jesus accepted you that way….. 因主耶稣正是这样接纳了你…let go of all unforgiveness and grievances…放下一切的不饶恕和怨恨…&ldquo...
...们中间大能地运行。Father, 父神, we come as we are 我们带着本相到你面前—broken, ——破碎的、desperate for Your grace. 渴慕的,恳求祢的恩典。We confess our struggles in a fallen world, 我们承认在这个堕落的世界中,where temptation
...o;a sinner” , like me认识到她是个罪人,也接纳她罪人的本相,和我一样。How did I know forgiven? 我是怎样知道我饶恕她了呢?peace in my heart 因心里有平安,and when meeting with Parents
or Brother, no longer any sense of fear, anger, bittern...