...forgive them and accept them just as they
are…我也照着他们的本相饶恕和接纳他们…because Jesus accepted
us just as we are….. 因主耶稣你照我们的本相接纳我们…Let go of all unforgiveness
and grievances…放下一切的不饶恕和...
...周围的人比较争竞, love them just the way they are, 以他们的本相来接纳和爱他们,you will effectively close the door for Satan
to destroy your relationship with God and people. 这样你就可以有效地关上门,不让撒旦毁坏你与神与人的关系。Eph 6:12, &ldquo...
...give him and love him
as just he is我也饶恕他,爱他,接纳他的本相…” But when I was returning from the other side of
the park to the place where the man was但当我从公园另一边骑回原位时, he himself disappeared with his dogs那男人和狗反而都不...
loved, 你是蒙爱的,I welcome you
just as you are. 我按照你的本相接纳你。I cover you with
My Son.” 我将我的独生子披戴在你身上。”If there’s pain
of rejection, “如果你因被拒绝感到痛苦, bring it to the
cross, 把它带到十字...