大卫年少时为着神的名和神的荣耀,凭着信心,以弱小战胜了强大的歌利亚。得胜之后,却面临扫罗的追杀。When David was young, he defeated the mighty Goliath through his weakness by faith, for the name and glory of God. After the victory, he faced Saul's pursu...
...lowly God through Jane revealed the power
of Repentance神借着Jane逐渐启示给我悔改的大能。
Before I tried to do things on my own, 以前,我是靠着自己做事,listening to lies
of society and family and friends whose words weren’t leading to ending up doing
...葱阿姨一个关于我的梦,in which God revealed to her 上帝向她启示说,that the reason why I got angry at others was because there were rejection and hurt I had accepted in my heart from my childhood,我发怒是因为我从小接受的拒绝伤害,therefore every time when this but...
...le will love only themselves and their money…” 你该知道,末世必有危险的日子来到。 2 因为那时人要专顾自己,贪爱钱财. What does this
people refer to? 这人是指谁?It refers to everyone, 这是所有的人。We’re all captured by self-centredness...