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...,不能衰残,存留在天上基业,因信必能得着所预备到末世显现救恩。After we are reborn, we immediately have a living hope. We can obtain an inheritance that is undefiled, unfading, and kept in heaven. Through faith, we will receive the salvation that is ready to be re...
发表于 2024-10-06 19:04:46

...lowly God through Jane revealed the power of Repentance神借着Jane逐渐启示给我悔改大能。 Before I tried to do things on my own, 以前,我是靠着自己做事,listening to lies of society and family and friends whose words weren’t leading to ending up doing God&rsquo...
发表于 2023-02-27 11:52:38

[过往讲章] [匹配度:59%] 2008-03-16 属灵争战025 与骄傲争战
...了,人给他各种伟大称号。有位弟兄介绍说他是“末世时刻一位特别先知、以利亚再现”。 这位布道家事工开始偏离起初谦卑。神阻挡骄傲人,一天,他遇到车祸,不久就去世了。去世时候,他头肿得有平...
发表于 2022-09-04 22:45:39

...羊之血。20基督在创世以前是预先被 神知道,却在这末世才为你们显现。21你们也因着他,信那叫他从死里复活,又给他荣耀 神,叫你们信心和盼望都在于 神。 有一次我跟我爸通电话,跟他讲福音,说“人人...
发表于 2022-09-04 22:53:05

[见证] [匹配度:58%] Melody得救见证
...葱阿姨一个关于我梦,in which God revealed to her 上帝向她启示说,that the reason why I got angry at others was because there were rejection and hurt I had accepted in my heart from my childhood,我发怒是因为我从小接受拒绝伤害,therefore every time when this but...
发表于 2023-07-02 14:44:41

发表于 2024-08-25 00:49:19

发表于 2024-08-25 00:53:46

...le will love only themselves and their money…” 你该知道,末世必有危险日子来到。 2 因为那时人要专顾自己,贪爱钱财. What does this people refer to? 这人是指谁?It refers to everyone, 这是所有人。We’re all captured by self-centredness...
发表于 2023-04-30 18:53:33

发表于 2022-06-15 23:57:38
