...had more revelations instore for me, praise the Lord.
To our surprise, Kayla’s Brother-in-law, arranged for us to have dinner
with him, Peking Duck. Praise the Lord for allowing us this opportunity to meet
and spend time with him, ...
...,不能衰残,存留在天上的基业,因信必能得着所预备到末世显现的救恩。After we are reborn, we immediately have a living hope. We can obtain an inheritance that is undefiled, unfading, and kept in heaven. Through faith, we will receive the salvation that is ready to be re...
...ers, 兄弟姐妹们,we’re
in the last days, 如今我们正处于末世 ,and
we’re in the battle我们处在这场争战中,which
started in the Garden on earth,这属灵争战始于地上的伊甸园,along
with the nation of Israel, 一路跟着以色列,until
in th...