... to the fourth kingdom, 启示录13章中的这头兽,有十角七头 在末世从世界里出来的也是指这个第四个国, a kingdom means a nation, a government. 一个王国,就是一个国家,一个政府。This
is a nation which claims itself to be like God 一个国宣称自己...
...pen in
the end age isn’t merely to satisfy our curiosity耶稣教导末世将会发生什么的主要目的不是为了满足我们的好奇心. Rather相反, it’s to motivate us to be willing to change the way we live是为了激励我们愿意去改变我们的生活方式, so
that w...
...4章中,when Jesus
mentioned the
Signs of the end times,当耶稣提到末世的预兆, three times
He warned
us that deception will fill the world in the last days, 他三次警示我们在末后的日子到处充满迷惑,and it’ll
deceive many,
even the elect of God很多人被...