...,百战百胜。How does Satan
use temptation to turn us away from God? 撒旦会怎样试探引诱我们离开神呢?We must know the enemy’s scheme,我们必须了解撒旦的计谋,so that we will know how to resist the devil’s scheme .因此就能知道怎样抵挡牠。A, 1
..., v.9, 我们来看3、6、9节,and listen to Satan’s words, 听听撒旦怎么说,“If you’re the Son of God, command
that these stones become bread” “你若是 神的儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物。” “If you’re the Son of God, t...
...temptation and Satanic attack 主教我们怎样寻求神的保护,脱离撒旦的试探和攻击- do not lead us into temptation不叫我们遇见试探, but deliver us from the evil one救我们脱离凶恶.Why do we bless the name of the Father我们为什么称赞神的名? Why do we pray for ...
...an’s strongest weapon to block us from God’s
grace and mercy, 撒旦阻止我们支取神的恩典和怜悯,so that we can’t pass on His grace and mercy to others? 不让我们将此传递出去的有力武器是什么呢?Unforgiveness, 是不饶恕,Do you remember? 记不...