...使我们失去在基督里的喜乐。 When fear or worry comes in当惧怕和忧虑进来, our consciousness of God goes out我们在环境里不再有神, then we’ll start to think然后就开始思想 “ooh, the
problem is big, 哦这个问题很大,I've gotta fix the problem...
... 他说:“我很害怕。”Fear
hinders us from doing His will. 惧怕阻挡我们遵行祂的旨意。Fear
increases negative feelings. 惧怕会加增负面情绪。“We feel
overwhelmed by impossibilities”. “我们被‘不可能做到”的感觉胜过。Fea...
...们。If the
heart carries rejection, 如果心里充满了拒绝、fear, 惧怕、loneliness, 孤独、shame, 羞耻,we can’t truly trust in God. 我们就无法真正信靠神。Let’s look at the apostle Peter’s example. 让我们来看使徒彼得的例子。In Matt 15, 在...