... resentful statement during pregnancy, 如果你在怀孕期间说了一些怨恨的话,like, “I didn’t wanna get pregnant, …”“我不想怀孕……” or whatever curse words out of frustration you
spoke over your baby in your womb, 或者你出于沮...
...ef and resentment after
losing her kids. 她孩子死后一直在伤心和怨恨里。Despite being Christian for a long time, 尽管她做了基督徒很久,her heart was attached to grief and resentment. 仍然被悲伤和怨恨所捆绑。 Until after she had truly believed in God’s word...
As soon as I came to OTBC 2 pm service, something
wonderful happened我一来OTBC下午2点钟的聚会,奇妙的事情就发生了。I remember how I
started to encounter God through the serv...