基督受苦、受痛、受死,被钉在十字架上杀了,是按着主的定旨先见。Christ suffered, endured pain, died, and was put to death by nailing Him to the cross, according to the Lord’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge.他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪,...
...s, as well as reconciliation. 每天邀请圣灵进入我的生活,向我启示谁需要被饶恕,以及为什么需要饶恕,同时也把这一切带到耶稣那里,在十字架上免去我的债,成就和睦。Doing this means that God is working on me, refining
me, and I am striving to...
...叶姐,并把那个梦告诉了她,I wechat Jane about my dream, 她就解释那梦,告诉我,she
explained it to me, 是不是属灵上被攻击了,it was a spiritual attack,
是不是心里接受了责怪,自怜,被轻视。拒绝感,导致了被攻击了?did you accept any bla...