...bout how they have been hurt repeatedly当他们反复述说自己怎么被伤害, you can see the bitterness from their faces你就可以从他们的脸上看见苦毒. But when they forgive但当他们饶恕别人, their faces are bright他们的脸就明亮起来. Forgiveness affects our emotiona...
...拒绝和谎言,they are hurt and filled with complaints,
他们接受伤害,充满抱怨,rejection and unforgiveness.拒绝和不饶恕,They hurt themselves.他们伤害他们自己。 People of God, 神的子民,we receive healing
to our souls if we put our trust in the truth,我...
...Cain’s who felt that he was wronged blinds us to see reality.
感到伤害,就如该隐因感到被冤枉而受伤,使我们眼瞎,看不到真相。People turn to alcohol,
drugs, sexuality, pornography, or money or fame, 人们转向酒精、毒品、性、色情、金钱,名望,o...