... my strong protection...神使我在高处安稳,祂教导我的手能以争战,甚至我的膀臂能开铜弓…大卫并没有靠自己的力量争战,他深知神是他力量的源头,是他得胜的根源。God sets me securely on high places. He taught me that my hands can fight, a...
..., we’re told
that war broke out in heaven,我们知道天上有过争战, but Satan
and his followers lost their place in heaven, 但是撒旦和牠的随从失去了他们在天上的位置,and won’t
stop fighting
against Jesus’
followers. 但不会停止与主耶稣的...
the Kingdom
of light.
黑暗的国度会一直与光明国度来争战。God’s Kingdom has nothing to do with the governments
of this world. 神国度与这个世界的政权无关。The battlefield for
the two Kingdoms is in people’s hearts. 两国的战场在人们心中...
...experience Spiritual warfare, 借着弗6:10-13节,我们分享了属灵争战的原由、who our enemy is
and how to fight through Eph 6:10-13. 我们的仇敌是谁、怎样打属灵争战。Today, we’ll look at the full armor
from v.14-18, 今天我们来读14-18节,继续分享关...