...了这个嫉妒的罪。我和Jane和Kayla做了悔改祷告,打破了与邪灵的所有联结。第二天我去给脚涂药膏,发现脚完全好了。Praise the Lord.
Praise the Lord for He is merciful to a sinner like me and His love endures
forever. Amen. 赞美主,赞美主,因...
...me that I might have been attacked by evil spirits 我有可能也受到了邪灵的影响,被攻击,because my mum went to see the grandma when I was in her womb. 因我妈妈在怀我的时候找姥姥治病,So Jane led me in a prayer of confession and forgiveness 于是叶阿姨带我做了...