...I felt tired and wanted to sleep.在那一刻没有注意到我的心已经被烦燥....攻击进来了。At that moment I didn't notice that
my heart had been irritated, I was attacked.心里发出的声音是为什么这篇道这么长, 还有很多要几点才能看完能睡呀, 最后那几行...
...nt to
share today is how God healed me as a brokenhearted person,从一个被鬼附,不得平安,与丈夫吵架的怨妇,from a resentful woman who was possessed by demons, had no peace,
and quarreled with my husband,到走上了充满平安喜乐,肯为主奉献摆上自己的过程。to...
... used to get sick, or catch a cold, or get scared. 老是生病感冒或者被吓着了,Medications didn’t help, 每次输液不管用时,mum then took me to grandma’s place, 妈妈就带我去姥姥家。and she would use a sewing needle to prick my head, 姥姥用缝衣针象征性...
...a friend of mine were diagnosed with cancer. 我的生父和一个朋友也被诊断患有癌症。
Things kept getting worse and words really can’t describe how bad it
was. 可情况还在恶化,其程度难以用言语形容。With my reduced hours at work I isolated myself a lot &ndas...