...子上的纸巾拿开时,鼻血停止了。那天我明白了我们都是罪人,需要来到神面前悔改并饶恕,因为我们不完美,只有圣洁的主才是。Una vez experimenté un momento en el que estaba enojado con mi abuela por
algo y después de unos minutos experi...
... is much rejoicing over one sinner who repents much joy. 经上说,一个罪人悔改的时候,天上都要欢呼。It was like I was in a dark room and then I came into the light and
the whole room lit up. 那情景就好像我先前被关在一个黑暗的屋子里,忽然有光照进...
...to some of my staff. 所以我原谅了我的父母和前夫,他们也是罪人,对我的一些员工也原谅了。 Just two weeks after my confession, my life turned to another
direction. 就在我悔改后的两个星期,我的生活出现了转机。I am coming out of the
situation ...