弟兄姊妹们,下午好。我的名字叫Kayla,去年8月7号在新西兰OTBC教会受洗归入神的家。Good afternoon, brothers and
sisters. My name is Kayla, and I was baptised into the family of God in OTBC
Church in New Zealand on August 7th last year.这将近7个月以来,在我...
Brothers and sisters, peace be with you! I am Kayla
from the afternoon service at OTBC Church in Christchurch. In my last
我的名字叫婧。My name is Jing. 我是在2019年作为妈妈带孩子来参加OTBC教会的Mainly Music. I came as a mom to attend Tuesday’s Mainly Music at OTBC. 然后我被Jane邀请去了教会办的春节晚餐Then Jane invited me to the Chinese New Year’s dinner, 她传了...