...e demons out of my life. 但是每个星期我还是被罪的思想和撒旦折磨得苦毒,But every week I was still tormented by sinful thoughts and Satan,抱怨别人,生各种各样的疾病,complaining about others, getting various diseases,还跟Alan打架,朝他扔刀子,杯...
...a stumbling block for future relationship with
God and with Kayla这些为撒旦开了门,也成为我将来与神、与Kayla建立好关系的绊脚石。So I started to learn about Soul-ties所以我学到了“不敬虔的魂结”这回事,which I initially thought was nonsense , ho...
...谁的奴仆吗?”我顺从了旧人的老样子,就是顺服了撒旦试探,悖逆了神,把自己交在那恶者手中,就被欺压,攻击。 Romans 6:16 says, "Do you not know that when you
offer yourselves as obedient slaves, you are slaves to the one you obey—whethe...
...ent". 后来我被Jane姐指出来,也是她从神那里领受的,撒旦要把我变成“自恋型人格障碍”。Later, it was pointed out by Jane, which was revealed to her by God,
that I had a "narcissistic personality disorder". 这里解释一下,有这种性格的...