with you all. 大家好,我叫Jason,我已经参加下午两点的敬拜大约七年了。我曾经参加过教会的主日学,现在成为了我们青年团契的新成员。今天我将受洗,我想与大家分享我的见证。Hola, mi nombre es Jason y he estado asistiendo al servicio ...
...m last week.上周三的晚上,我看了一个小视频,就对天主教拜圣母像,追捧教皇有了一些论断和看不惯,看的时候胃开始有不适感。Last Wednesday night, while I was watching a short online video, I was
holding judgement against how Catholic’s worship Ma...
...iving my own life. My life
is yours!!” 在一次次的周日敬拜布道时,牧者做呼召祷告,During Sunday
worships, Pastor Jane called us, who was willing to pray in the front, 我就一次次地走到前面去,跟神表明心意,and I walked up there again and again ...