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[见证] [匹配度:6%] 心里倚靠神就得幫助
.... 护士又来抽血了。The nurse came again to draw blood. 我的心在颤抖,没有平安。My heart felt panic, lacking peace. 我赶紧去走廊为自己祷告,求主的平安掌管我,I quickly went to the corridor to pray for myself, asking the Lord to fill me with His ...
发表于 2024-03-18 18:32:21  

[见证] [匹配度:6%] 垂听祷告的神
...ill continue to praise him forevermore.最近在复活节营会期间,我的心被圣灵和神的爱所触动,这也是导致我接受洗礼的原因之一。我非常感恩主对我的一切,我将永远赞美祂! Recientemente, en el C...
发表于 2024-05-07 15:35:06  

[见证] [匹配度:6%] 耶稣医治关系,灵魂,身体
...id was true, I cried heavily 当我意识到她说的原来是真的,我的心都碎了,我大哭起来。and was touched powerfully by the Holy Spirit as she led me in a prayer of repentance and the presence of God was so strong in the room his joy and the Spirit and his mercy. 当她带我...
发表于 2022-05-02 08:12:49  

发表于 2022-04-22 12:04:03  

[见证] [匹配度:5%] 耶稣,绝望中的拯救
...nd of the giants. 那天我们一起哭了。但我感到了神充满了我的心,赋予了我力量和勇气。所以我对我的妻子说:“亲爱的,我们已经流了足够的眼泪,现在我们必须站起来,向前迈进,因为神不是让我们失败的。”那一天,...
发表于 2024-05-07 15:20:45  

[见证] [匹配度:5%] 争战中得释放
...子,不以神的喜乐为喜乐,不明白神要的是我们真实悔改的心,不体贴神的意思。And I was also like the elder son in the parable of the lost son, who did not take joy in God’s joy, and did not know God wanted us to repent truly and understands His good will. 雅1...
发表于 2022-07-31 19:25:01  

...为有福”的真正含义。其中有几个故事深深触动了我的心。 I could not believe we were picked up in a flash BWM car from the airport, later I learned the story behind where this car came from, God’s provision to Sister Yang. 我简直不敢相信我们从机场...
发表于 2024-12-16 00:25:36  

...nd. 不管别人说什么,做了什么,神的平安一直充满我的心,No matter what others said or did, God’s Peace filled my heart. 我没有抱怨Alan不陪着我,也没有惧怕自己英语不好,I did not complain about Alan for not accompanying me, nor was I afra...
发表于 2024-03-18 18:53:28  

...像奴才一样。第二天我跟她坐下来沟通,很高兴神软化她的心,愿意听我跟她用非术语、去神化的方式解释。In the past, I would never have let something like that happen, but now I’m learning to be humble, almost like a servant. The next day, we sat down ...
发表于 2024-08-21 09:52:57  
