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[见证] [匹配度:50%] 罪人蒙恩
...o;红娘”,原来是神一路的引导,神成就他自己的异象预言。   我的心很感恩,感谢牧者夫妇,奉献了所有,使浪迹的我们有了家,有了祝福,心有了归宿和盼望。感恩主设立的教会,使我们在这里被爱、被医治、建...
发表于 2022-06-25 12:30:57  

...胁孩子不让上学,5岁的孩子哇哇大哭,整个家都似乎在地震。 One evening, my sister and mother suddenly got into an argument at home over a small matter. They cursed each other and even threatened to stop the child from going to school. The 5-year-old child cried loudly, ...
发表于 2024-12-15 19:37:34  
