...epentance and forgiveness. 我的生命和家庭是全然在家族的累代咒诅影响下My life
and my family were totally under the influence of family curses. 好像没有什么祝福Nothing seemed to be blessed. 但感谢神,祂充满怜悯,祂看见我的受苦,施怜悯给我 But I tha...
...also has experienced
the same problem.家族性遗传的,和家族疾病咒诅有关。要为她祷告。” It's
found in the family line, related to the curse of generational diseases. We
need to pray for her." 我送完孩子后,赶紧去祷告,然后去医院看妹妹。Af...
...ane牧师再一次花时间给我讲述真理,让我认识到我家族的咒诅和我自己有原罪,现在也有罪的,我也不是完全人,所以我愿意饶恕伤害我的父亲和母亲。The next day, after attending the Free English class, Pastor Jane took
the time to explain the tru...