.... 思想当时, 想到要快一点换衣服,求神光照肯定犯罪了被仇敌攻击了。When I woke up the next morning, I found that my
left neck hurt so much that I couldn’t straighten it up. I recalled what I thought was
to change clothes quickly and go to bed. But I realised I need t...
...l weapon that the enemy tries to weigh us down, 祷告时我知道忧虑是仇敌使用的有力武器,让我们沮丧无力,I learnt to watch over my heart and allow the word of God to lead me
and guide my thoughts. 我开始学习看守心门并让神的话语引导我所思所想。Now my
...not stand before their enemies. 约书亚记7:12,因此,以色列人在仇敌面前站立不住。They turn their
backs before their enemies, because they have become devoted for destruction. 他们在仇敌面前转背逃跑,是因成了被咒诅的 I will be with you no more, unless you des...