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发表于 2023-03-21 20:27:33

发表于 2024-02-13 06:02:42

...与身边属血气的人争战,使我们因信与自己的罪,与仇敌魔鬼争战到底!Lord, You have risen from the dead; You are the victorious King! How willing You are to revive us and to manifest Your power and victory through us! Lord, help us not to battle against those around us who...
发表于 2024-06-09 20:26:15

...to save to the very end.主啊,从亚当犯罪开始,我们就承受了魔鬼的性情,想要与神同等,想要作神,如神一样判断善恶,却落在罪和死的咒诅之中。Lord, from the moment Adam sinned, we inherited the nature of the devil, desiring to be equal with God, to b...
发表于 2024-09-20 19:56:00

...e, offering ourselves as sacrifices.愿主圣灵彰显复活大能,除去魔鬼一切作为,你的拯救得胜在每一时刻。May the Holy Spirit manifest the power of resurrection, removing all works of the devil, and may Your salvation triumph in every moment.(郭姊妹Sister Guo)
发表于 2024-05-05 19:25:53

...e. 祂的话,祂的道成为我们患难中坚固的保障,可以抵挡魔鬼一切的攻击。His words and ways become our solid protection in times of trouble and can withstand all the attacks of the devil. 求主赦免我们的小信和不信,不愿意把生命完全的交托给你,...
发表于 2024-09-22 19:40:52

...慧,嫉妒、纷争、扰乱、抵挡真道、不顺服神,是属地属魔鬼的。嫉妒就是看见别人拥有比自己更好的便心生不满。Earthly wisdom—characterised by envy, selfish ambition, confusion, resistance to truth, and disobedience to God—is earth...
发表于 2024-11-21 19:35:02

...神没有任何关系,未曾看见也未曾认识祂,因犯罪的就是魔鬼。indulge in the desires of the flesh, follow the desires of the flesh and the heart, enjoy the pleasure of sin, and are children of wrath, they have no relationship with God, and have never seen or known Him, because ...
发表于 2024-12-15 22:02:25

...你亲自成为血肉之体,特要借着死,败坏掌死权的,就是魔鬼,并要释放那些一生因怕死而为奴仆的人。一生在主手中,我还怕什么呢?Lord, I thank You for becoming flesh and blood, that through Your death You defeated the one who holds the power of deat...
发表于 2024-12-28 01:14:25

...om the power of sin and death.感谢你,借着十字架,彻底败坏了魔鬼的作为,断开了罪、咒诅、死亡在我们身上的锁链,用你的身体废掉冤仇,给全人类开辟了惟一一条通往天家,可以回到天父那里的道路…Thank You for completely defeat...
发表于 2024-05-06 18:33:25
