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...己、自保、向眼目的情欲,肉体的情欲妥协,满足自己的私欲,任意妄为,我行我素,这是一条宽路,却是引到灭亡的;If we choose to love the world, love ourselves, protect ourselves, compromise with the lust of the eyes and flesh, satisfy our own selfish de...
发表于 2024-10-22 16:15:57

...ly He is the King of kings and Lord of lords! 主,当我照着自己私欲偏要行,只想自己的意思成就,要让身边的人听我的,遇到事情如神一样判断善恶,审判别人…Lord, when I choose to act according to my own lusts, only wanting my own will to be acc...
发表于 2024-07-08 19:42:58

...s… 主,求你赦免我对你的不忠,随从自己肉体的私欲,爱慕世界虚浮的荣耀,接受了太多魔鬼的谎言,也因此遭受多少罪的咒诅苦楚…Lord, please forgive me for being unfaithful to You—following my fleshly desires, loving the vain g...
发表于 2024-11-22 18:20:37

...问题的本身,求神在生活中吸引自己认出里面属自己,属私欲,属肉体的声音,In their daily lives, they practise being aware of God and viewing problems from His perspective. They ask God to draw them closer, helping them to discern the voices of self, selfish desires, an...
发表于 2024-12-08 21:07:56

...己没有良善,在考试来临时,靠着圣灵的能力,让自己的私欲受苦,心受割礼,钉死自己,得着基督的心为心…Recognising that there is no goodness in oneself, when the test comes, through the power of the Holy Spirit, one allows selfish desires to suff...
发表于 2025-01-14 23:42:31

...evealed to us in this way. 但我们需要持续信下去,定义离弃因私欲和迷惑渐渐变坏的旧人的道路,因信转向耶稣的生命之道,显明我们在基督里是新造的人。But we need to keep on believing, defining our turning away from the ways of the old man, which are...
发表于 2025-01-10 21:50:01

...resurrection life!主,求你赦免我的自我中心,爱自己,顺从私欲,落在咒诅之下…Lord, forgive my self-centeredness, my love for myself, and my submission to fleshly desires that have led me under a curse... 你为我而死,我要为你而活!圣灵啊,求你时时...
发表于 2024-10-01 19:08:12

...罪的时候我们就属魔鬼。什么时候一而再,再而三的顺从私欲犯罪,就掉进魔鬼的网罗。After we believe in the Lord, we belong to God, and when we sin, we belong to the devil. When we obey our lusts and sin again and again, we fall into the snare of the devil.犯罪是...
发表于 2024-12-17 19:11:20

...主赦免,我们常常忘记自己的本相,走了押沙龙的路,被私欲迷惑,心地刚硬,想高、争权夺利、虚荣、图谋大事,Please forgive us, Lord. We often forget our true selves, walk the path of Absalom, are deceived by selfish desires, harden our hearts, seek power ...
发表于 2024-09-10 19:47:36

... 顺服撒旦,照着自己心中所喜好的去行,放纵自己的私欲,爱世界,拜自己,贪图各样的虚名、虚荣、财力…submitting to Satan, following the desires of their own heart, indulging in lusts, loving the world, worshipping themselves, and coveting false f...
发表于 2024-11-03 18:17:40
