...像的心,只想要“万物”,弃掉了万有的主,成为贫穷瞎眼的孤儿。今天有神作我们的父,我还要什么呢?Lord, forgive me for my foolishness, for my idolatrous heart that only longs for “things” while rejecting the Lord of all. I have become a ...
...每天都求自己的事,并不求耶稣基督的事。结局就是生命贫穷。Please forgive us for our sin of loving ourselves, having no vision or mission, and seeking our own interests every day instead of those of Jesus Christ. The result of this is a life of poverty. 主啊,...
...到之处都在擘饼,使饥饿的得饱足,使赤身的得遮盖,使贫穷的得祝福,福音临到千万家,成为万民的祝福。Wherever they went, they broke bread, satisfying the hungry, covering the naked, and blessing the poor. The gospel reached millions of homes, becoming a ble...