...合神心意的人,远离神之后,竟犯下抢夺、淫乱、诡诈、说谎、假冒伪善、蓄谋杀人……这么多的罪!Lord, a man after Your own heart turned away from You and committed robbery, fornication, deceit, lying, hypocrisy, and deliberate murder... so many sins!...
...求你赦免我,看环境就惧怕,听从人的话,人都是瞎眼和说谎的。信自己,照着自己认为好的去行事,自己却是罪的奴仆。Lord, please forgive me for fearing the circumstances and listening to human words, for all men are blind and deceitful. I trust in myself...
...的思想去想、去讨厌人、去抱怨、去发怒,甚至惧怕人而说谎,假冒伪善地活在人面前,是不能得神的喜欢的。When faced with challenges, I think according to the thoughts of the natural man, hate people, complain, get angry, and even lie out of fear of others, l...