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...display our strength, for it is You who trample on our enemies.在每一个试炼考试中,被训练成大能的勇士,坚定的倚靠神,不灰心不丧胆,不看困难有多大,而是看我们的神多么的伟大。In every trial and test, we are trained to be powerful warriors, firmly ...
发表于 2024-09-24 19:30:32

...反顾,离开本土,去往他乡,经历风雨、生死、火一样的试炼,看受苦为小事,因他们对主爱的执着,带动了时代的复兴,使我们得以听见这宝贵的福音。They embarked on their missions without hesitation, leaving their homeland for distant lands, en...
发表于 2024-06-05 02:25:13

...hey witness the Almighty performing miracles. 彼得和教会同时在试炼中都经历了主的信实,他们昼夜不停息,情词迫切的祷告蒙了应允。他是开路者,打发他的使者来断开锁链、打开监门,使一切的不可能都成为可能,转危为安,彼得...
发表于 2024-05-30 20:39:09

...th Your nail-pierced hands. 主啊,求你也坚固正在经历患难试炼的肢体,使他们恒守所信的道,成为更多人的安慰和帮肋。Lord, please also strengthen the members who are experiencing trials and hardships, so they may remain true to the faith and become a source ...
发表于 2024-06-03 19:54:36

...天的能力必是历经为义受苦才能熬炼出来的,神用苦难来试炼圣徒,使圣徒因为义所受的苦难学了顺从。The kingdom of God lacks powerful workers, and this heavenly power can only be refined through enduring suffering for righteousness. God uses trials to ...
发表于 2024-05-27 19:47:57

...难突然临到,雪上加霜,跟随他的人还要用石头打死他,试炼大卫的心。God allowed sudden calamity to befall David, compounding his distress. Even his own followers sought to stone him, testing his heart. 大卫因心坚定倚靠耶和华,胜过看环境,看人,转向...
发表于 2024-08-16 19:14:42

... 神膏了大卫成为新王,一步一步把他带入水深火热的试炼之中,又兴起争战的事,大卫出去与非利士人打仗,大大杀败他们,他们就在他面前逃跑。God anointed David to be the new king and gradually led him through intense trials and battles. Dav...
发表于 2024-08-01 19:48:36

...uch a faithful God, and Your promises will never fail.大卫王在每一个试炼考试中,他坚心的倚靠耶和华,完全的顺服,行神眼中看为正的事,讨神的喜悦。In every trial and test, King David firmly relied on the Lord, obeyed completely, did what was right in God's e...
发表于 2024-09-26 19:51:34

...hakable, and we trust that His love is better than life itself. 在受试炼时,撒旦会射出很多的火箭让我们怀疑不信,使我们的信心消弱,我们所受的苦楚越是加剧,我们的祷告好像也得不到回应,约翰告诉我们,使我们胜过世界的就是我...
发表于 2024-12-31 23:53:40

...tion, and for rejecting Your moulding so many times...当你把我们带入试炼的考试中,是为培植我们的信心,提升我们的生命更像你,经历你话语的宝贵。When You bring us into trials and tests, it is to cultivate our faith and make our lives more like Yours, so we ca...
发表于 2024-09-22 19:40:52
