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... 神膏了大卫成为新王,一步一步把他带入水深火热的试炼之中,又兴起争战的事,大卫出去与非利士人打仗,大大杀败他们,他们就在他面前逃跑。God anointed David to be the new king and gradually led him through intense trials and battles. Dav...
发表于 2024-08-01 19:48:36

...st.自卑的必升高,他抬举贫寒人,提拔穷乏人,借着火的试炼进入属灵高峰,与基督同享荣耀。The humble will be exalted; He raises the poor and lifts the needy, bringing them through the refining fire to spiritual heights, sharing in the glory with Christ. ...
发表于 2024-06-27 20:10:52

...he revival and glory of the Kingdom of God, please continue to shape us.在试炼面前,交出主权,不再自己伸冤,宁可让步,专心祈祷,效仿我主的良善、公义,心尊主为大,只为荣耀你,只愿成就主的旨意,向仇敌夸胜!In the face of trials, I yield...
发表于 2024-08-11 20:17:50

...elves. 岂不知,进入神的国必须经历许多的艰难,为要试炼我们的信心,训练我们成为精兵勇士,成为有责任有担当有使命有信心的大丈夫。Don’t you know that entering the kingdom of God requires us to go through many difficulties to test our f...
发表于 2024-09-01 19:43:12

...为你而活,时时悔改,顺服听命于神,虽经历艰难危险、试炼、甚至丧命,你应许恩典够我们用,因为你看圣民之死极为宝贵,你必为那人预备生命的冠冕为赏赐。Now, we choose to live for you, to repent constantly, and to obey God. Even when we ...
发表于 2024-08-14 19:55:14

... We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.面临重重试炼,惟有凡事以神的道为准绳,不以自己性命为念,守护好自己的领土,尽自己的责任,与神建立亲密关系,与一切成圣的人同得基业。In the face of numerous trials, we mu...
发表于 2024-06-13 02:24:20

...,在你饶恕大爱的浇灌下,门徒摆上生命,在信心的百般试炼中,初代教会迎来一波波的复兴浪潮…不可阻挡…The apostles' lives were greatly transformed! Lord, under the pouring of Your forgiveness and great love, disciples offered their lives, welcom...
发表于 2024-05-12 20:32:50

...是带着异象,使命坚定的往前走,为福音不顾性命,受尽试炼痛苦,几乎连活命的指望都没有了,但他没有违背那从天上来的异象,因为他深知道他蒙召就是为此,Apostle Paul moved forward with vision and unwavering mission, risking his life f...
发表于 2024-06-10 19:12:17

神对大卫的考试步步惊心,每一步都很关键,在试炼中大卫都交出了让神满意的答卷,印证了神说的话,大卫是合神心意的人。God’s test of David was intense, and every step was crucial. Throughout the trials, David handed in answers that pleased God,...
发表于 2024-08-19 20:14:33

...he purpose of everything he did was to glorify God.在每一个火一样的试炼中,靠主的恩典都转危为安,经历主的信实拯救。他感恩,主耶和华啊!你本为大。照我们耳中听见没有可比你的,除你以外再无神。In every fiery trial, he turned danger int...
发表于 2024-08-27 19:01:19
