...he purpose of everything he did was to glorify God.在每一个火一样的试炼中,靠主的恩典都转危为安,经历主的信实拯救。他感恩,主耶和华啊!你本为大。照我们耳中听见没有可比你的,除你以外再无神。In every fiery trial, he turned danger int...
神继续加码试炼大卫,神使扫罗他们沉睡,再一次把扫罗的性命交在大卫的手里,God continued to test David, putting Saul and his men into a deep sleep and once again delivering Saul's life into David's hands.大卫完全可以杀了扫罗以除后患。.但大卫敬畏...
...能爱看得见的人,也不能爱看不见的神。当神兴起风浪,试炼我们的心是否真的爱神,把和我们一样罪人本相的人放在我们面前,我们的心如何呢? If we cannot love people whom we can see, we cannot love God whom we cannot see. When God raises st...