...容易,因为这条跟随的路上,充满了仇敌的陷阱,撒但的试探,各种私欲的迷惑。It is easy to obeyGod's command once by faith, but it is not easy to remain true to the faith because this path of following is filled with the enemies’ traps, Satan's temptations, and t...
...-abasement, self-pity, and grievances can all arise...面对魔鬼各样的试探与引诱,彼得教导我们得胜的秘诀就是务要谨守警醒,顺服神的主权,用坚固的信心抵挡牠,牠就必离开我们逃跑了。In the face of various temptations from the devil, Peter teache...
... believe and whom we choose to obey!耶稣被圣灵引到旷野受魔鬼的试探,全然得胜。Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil and was completely victorious. 祂满有圣灵的能力,传扬福音,医治病人,赶出污鬼,将神的国带到地...
...o sin.当耶稣被圣灵充满,被神引到旷野,四十天受魔鬼的试探,Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil.当撒旦把天下的万国都指给耶稣看,并说,只要你拜我,这一...
...ed.因信,试炼背后是隐藏了神属天的祝福。因祂应许忍受试探的人是有福的,因为他经过试炼以后,必得生命的冠冕。Because of faith, behind the trial is God's heavenly blessing. Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test...
...your life to redeem me. Your commands are all given in love.正当私欲来试探时,我的心要停住,我要什么?我要作义的奴仆,脱离咒诅!When selfish desires come to tempt me, I will pause and reflect. What do I want? I want to be a servant of righteousness and escape the cu...
大卫出于骄傲,受到魔鬼试探,进行百姓的人数数点,大大得罪神了,神借迦得先知告诉他神对罪的审判,降三样的灾随大卫选择,大卫听后甚为难。Out of pride, David was tempted by the devil and conducted a census, which greatly offended God. God,...
...,惟有神和他恩惠的道能保守自己的百姓,脱离凶恶远离试探。Now that he was departing, he trusted in God, entrusting God's sheep to Him, believing that only God and the Word of His grace can keep His people safe from evil and temptation. 神是良善正直的神,他必...
...的,总要趁着还有今日竭力转道,否定自己,向一切诱惑试探,罪恶是死的,单单听命于你。Yes, while there is still time today, we must strive to turn away, deny ourselves, and resist all temptations and evil, listening only to You.你既把我们从仇敌手中被...