...own of God’s life as a reward.当试验来临时,撒但常常会来试探我们的私欲,引诱人犯罪,使人落在咒诅之下。Yet, when trials come, Satan often tempts our desires, leading people to sin and fall under a curse. 信主后,我们仍然带着过去所形成的...
我们落在百般的试炼中都要以为大喜乐,因为信心要经过试炼才能生出忍耐。Consider it
pure joy whenever we face trials of many kinds, because the testing of our
faith produces perseverance.属灵国度的得胜在乎我们时刻预备自己进入试炼,向肉体死...
雅各的话是那么的斩钉截铁,一定要…世上有太多的试探、迷惑,稍不警醒就中了魔鬼的圈套。James' words are so decisive, and we must… There are too many temptations and deceptions in the world. If we are not alert, we will fall into the devil's trap.&n...