...prayer, and each self-offering are remembered by you. 当我顺从心中的论断,不服,悖逆,骄傲…为罪受苦,被撒但欺压,你为我而忧伤。When I follow my own judgments, remain unyielding, rebellious, and proud, I suffer for my sins and am oppressed by Satan, and you ...
... life.求你赦免我,总是去管别人的好坏对错,心里翻腾,论断,自己做神…正显明了该被否定、弃绝、钉死的是我的旧人!Please forgive me for always caring about the good and bad, right
and wrong of others, churning in my heart, judging, and being my o...
...都遵行了,神怎么还没有赐福给我?才发现心里的生气、论断、看不惯依然还在,做不到爱仇敌…I wanted to love others, so I welcomed and cared for people... I have obeyed God’s command, so why hasn’t God blessed me? Only then did I realis...
...s nothing to do with me, it’s fine, everyone does this”? 或是论断、恼恨、自义:这些人太坏了!我比你们圣洁!Perhaps I respond with judgment, anger, or self-righteousness: “These people are so wicked! I am holier than you!”主,当我死在过犯罪恶...
...们总定睛老板、上级、权柄人物的不好,心中满了不服、论断、苦毒…自己作了神还不晓得。Yet, in the workplace, we often focus on the negative aspects of our bosses, superiors, and people in authority, filling our hearts with dissatisfaction, judgement, and bit...
...arthly blessings? 对身边的肢体表面和平,心中却藏着不满、论断、争竞、嫉妒、不服…结果就是被罪欺压。Meanwhile, I maintain outward peace with those around me but harbor discontent, judgment, strife, jealousy, and pride in my heart. The result is being oppres...
...love, and goodness... 主啊,当我感到被恶待,正想辩解、论断、计算人的恶,心里翻腾时,求圣灵提醒我,这不是耶稣的心,是我有罪了,Lord, when I feel that I have been treated unfairly and want to defend myself, judge others, and dwell on their wrong...