金子要被烈火熬炼,除去渣滓和杂质,得着更加光亮纯净的金子。只是金子仍然会坏。Gold must be refined by fire to remove dross and impurities, resulting in purer, brighter gold. However, even gold will perish. 而被试验过的信心,可以在耶稣基督显现的...
当耶稣被捕时,彼得把大祭司仆人的耳朵砍掉了,接下来他三次不认主。When Jesus was arrested, Peter cut off the ear of the high priest’s servant and later denied Him three times.然而彼得看到了:耶稣被骂不还口,受害不说威吓的话,祂没有罪...
...深爱着他的同胞,只要他的同胞灵魂得救,甚至愿意自己被咒诅与基督分离他也愿意,What kind of love is this? Paul loved his fellow countrymen so much that he was willing to be cursed and separated from Christ, as long as their souls were saved.何等真切的爱,他...
... 10:18). 耶稣顺服至死,父却叫祂从死里复活。因祂原不能被死拘禁。耶稣冲破坟墓,胜过死亡,宣告坟墓不能辖制祂。Jesus obediently went to death, yet the Father raised Him from death, for death could not keep its hold on Him. Jesus broke through the tomb, co...