...迷惑人的“敌基督者”。因此约翰劝勉信徒,不要被人诱惑。不要被人虚假的言论所迷惑,犯罪的是属魔鬼,因为魔鬼从起初就是犯罪的。John frequently mentioned false teachers and the
"antichrist" who deceive people in his letters. Therefore, ...
...clared war on both kingdoms with great faith.无论何境遇,纵然终日被杀,人看我如将宰的羊,都不能使我与基督的爱隔绝。他用顺服和行动来显明他对基督的忠贞。No matter the situation, even if I was killed all day long and regarded as sheep to be slaughter...
基督受苦、受痛、受死,被钉在十字架上杀了,是按着主的定旨先见。Christ suffered, endured pain, died, and was put to death by nailing Him to the cross, according to the Lord’s deliberate plan and foreknowledge.他被挂在木头上,亲身担当了我们的罪,...
感谢主,因肉体软弱犯罪,基督被钉在十字架上,叫我们的肉体连同肉体的邪情私欲也与祂同钉在十字架上,Thank God, because of the weakness of the flesh and sin, Christ was crucified
on the cross, so that our flesh and its evil desires were also crucified on ...