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...耶稣基督来到神面前他都可以拯救到底,脱离自怜自爱,拒绝伤害,不饶恕仇恨,We are no longer orphans; we have a Father. At any time, if we come before God through Jesus Christ, He can save us completely, delivering us from self-pity, self-love, rejection, hurt, unf...
发表于 2024-05-28 19:49:43

...s. 多年等候之后,他成为以色列的王,更成为合神心意,神大大称赞的人。After many years of waiting, he became the king of Israel and was greatly commended by God as a man after His own heart.在试验之中,大卫因着信,效法了耶稣的脚踪,活出了爱仇...
发表于 2024-08-09 20:14:56

...trengthened in his heart through faith.亚伯拉罕的信心经过试验,神称赞,他也称为信心之父!Abraham’s faith was tested and praised by God, and he was called the father of faith! 照着神的时间,神的应许得以成就。看环境很难,看自己不可...
发表于 2025-01-19 23:06:57

...him as king. 圣洁的主,是轻慢不得的,藐视神的,他必轻视。The Holy Lord cannot be mocked. Those who despise God will be despised.扫罗的事件让我们学习功课,不顺服神的命令就是悖逆神,悖逆神的后果是很严重的,是与行邪术的罪相等...
发表于 2024-07-23 20:05:11

...们的过犯待我们,反而待我们比骨肉之亲还亲…因你弃绝,我们得父接纳!You did not treat us according to our transgressions but showed us even greater love than that of kin... because You were rejected, we are accepted by the Father! 主啊,求你开启我...
发表于 2024-03-28 18:10:19

...,背起自己的十字架,心尊主为大,敬畏你,让自己的心你掌管约束、圣灵引导,活出基督的馨香之气荣耀主名。Lord, my heart turns to you, my eyes delight in your ways. I deny myself every day, take up my cross, magnify the Lord in my heart, fear you, an...
发表于 2024-10-06 19:04:46

...人耶稣的名,叫你起来行走”的那一刻,耶稣的名就高举起来,是耶稣治好了这个天生瘸腿的人。Peter said, "In the name of Jesus of Nazareth, walk," and at that moment, the name of Jesus was exalted, and it was Jesus who healed the man born lame.彼得进一...
发表于 2024-05-01 02:18:10

...wer comes from God and not from ourselves.主,再一次求你更新我,圣灵大大感动后,时时预备迎接考试,并在环境来临时,定意否定自己,顺服圣灵趁势而行,拆毁里面不信、怀疑、骄傲、自我中心…各样的坚固营垒。Lord, please ren...
发表于 2024-07-10 19:59:30

... not spoken from himself, but as a prophecy from God. 大卫年少时,不父母重视,却神所拣选。膏立作王之后,迎接他的却是逃亡。In his youth, David was overlooked by his parents, yet chosen by God. After being anointed king, he faced a life of exile. 但神的应...
发表于 2024-09-27 18:51:56

...傲自义的意念,是否持守在忧伤痛悔里面,是否时时准备纠正、悔改…直到不再是我,乃是基督在我里面活。让我成为神圣洁公义的圣殿,不再让圣灵担忧,安然居住在我里面,直到永永远远….. Renew me, Holy Spirit, that I...
发表于 2024-05-22 02:29:09
