...荣光,能与你面对面,开我耳,听见你的声音,使我的灵被更新。Lord, open my eyes to see Your glory, to be face to face with You; open my ears to hear Your voice, to renew my spirit.从风闻有你到如今能亲眼见你,知道这恩召有何等指望。 From hearing about...
...敌入侵的机会,使我和身边的人落在各种可怕的咒诅中,被欺压和杀害…Lord, please forgive me for believing lies, blaming others, and complaining against You. These actions have given the enemy an opportunity to invade, causing thosearound me and myself to fall under v...
...为主舍了渔船和鱼网,单以得着耶稣为至宝,他的心完全被主占据,圣灵降临在他身上,他必得着能力,彼得大有能力宣讲神的道,高举基督,引人悔改归正,扎人心,Peter gave up his fishing boat and nets for the sake of Christ, taking Jesus a...
...主圣灵啊,求主赐我们智慧的心,不再做糊涂人心里刚硬被罪恶迷惑,乃是趁着还有今日,竭力追求认识你,住到主里,与父合而为一。Lord Holy Spirit, please give us wise hearts, so that we will no longer be foolish or hardened in our hearts, and be dec...
...用宝血所赎买回来,分别为圣归给祂的新妇。我们的心若被耶稣以外的人或物占据充满,怎能说自己是忠贞的呢?Beyond this, spiritually, Jesus Christ is our bridegroom, and we are
the bride redeemed by His precious blood, sanctified and set apart for Him. If
...David's parents abandoned him, but he sought refuge in the arms of God.他被膏立要作王,打败哥利亚,却被扫罗追杀。大卫多少次在软弱和眼泪中,军兵四面环绕时,他有一件事就是到神面前求问,他信神活着,神在掌权。He was anointed to be king a...
...卫,说大卫流了扫罗全家的血。亚比筛愤怒地要杀示每,被大卫制止。Absalom plotted a rebellion, and David was forced to flee Jerusalem. On the way, Shimei, from the tribe of Saul, cursed David, accusing him of shedding the blood of Saul's family. Abishai, enraged, wanted to...
...名与罪恶争战,向仇敌夸胜……独有你的名配得被尊崇!Lord, lead us to wage war against sins by the power of Your name, triumphing over the enemy... Your name alone is worthy to be exalted!愿一切的荣耀、颂赞、权柄、能力都归耶稣的圣名! May all gl...
... deviate to the left or right.不要中了人的诡计和欺骗的法术,被一切异教之风摇动,飘来飘去;Help us not to be tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.乃...