...d. 临终之时扶着杖头敬拜神,宣告神的应许和预言。雅各被神更新改变了!At the end of his life, he worshiped God while leaning on his staff, proclaiming God’s promises and prophecies. Jacob was transformed by God!我们都是犯了罪的人,都是不配的。神拣...
...nd experienced how the enemy overcame him.因主慈怜的看他一眼,他被爱和接纳,从此以后他从软弱变刚强,成为神国的柱子,他深切劝勉信徒,务要谨守儆醒,追赶仇敌,惟有知己知彼,方能百战百胜。Yet, when the Lord looked at him with mercy, ...
...s like our God?天父舍弃独生爱子,是为担当我们的罪。我们被赎买回来,却已病入膏肓,无药可救。The Father gave up His only beloved Son to bear our sins. We were redeemed, yet we were already beyond cure, terminally ill with no remedy. 神又赐下圣灵...
...or did he truly repent. 失去了与神建立亲密关系的机会,最后被厌弃作王。He lost the opportunity to establish an intimate relationship with God, and was eventually rejected as king. 主应许:专心寻求,就必寻见。The Lord promises: Seek me with all your heart and you w...
...s glorified, we rejoice greatly. The joy of the Lord is our strength. 被神的爱鼓励,信心被建立了,领受恩典,想要荣耀神必须建立在真理和爱的根基上。Through His love, we are encouraged, our faith is strengthened, and we receive grace. To glorify God, we must b...
...ren, helping them to deeply understand their identity and mission. 是被拣选的族类,君尊的祭司,是圣洁的国度,是属神的子民。在地上是客旅是寄居的人,不是属地的而是属天的,They are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's own people...
...anded them over to the Philistines. 在那段时间,他们经历了约柜被掳,祭司被杀,百姓倒下,受尽痛苦……During that period, they experienced the capture of the Ark of the Covenant, the killing of the priests, and the people falling down, and they suffered terrib...
...许多的苦,他领受异象,靠着圣灵大有信心和勇气,不怕被犹太人用石头打、不怕逼迫下监,为了福音他不顾性命。God called Paul to suffer many things for His name. Paul received visions and empowered by the Holy Spirit, with great faith and courage. He did no...
...灵认出自己错误的动机,错误的想法,错误的行为,我们被光照,及时的悔改,Because the law is meant to make people aware of sin. We know that the law is spiritual. By reading God’s wordsevery day and relying on the Holy Spirit to recognise our wrong moti...
...别人呢?我是罪人蒙恩,是神用重价宝血买赎回来的,是被神怜悯拯救回来的,我并没有资格去评判任何人。Yes, what does it matter to me how others behave? Who am I to judge anyone? I am a sinner who has received grace, redeemed by God's precious blood, and save...