大卫被膏立要做以色列的王,他战胜歌利亚之后,面临的是被扫罗追杀,在旷野逃亡。David was anointed to be the king of Israel. After defeating Goliath, he faced being hunted by Saul and had to flee into the wilderness.然而有四百人,却投奔大卫,大卫就...
...保罗竭力在外邦各国为主作见证,无论是自由之时,或是被捆锁,他都忠心于主的托付,为主作见证。 Paul endeavored to testify for the Lord among the Gentile nations; whether in freedom or in chains, he remained faithful to the Lord's commission, be...
...欺…使我因信真道,否定自己,思想你舍命的大爱,被圣灵感动,成为圣洁,得着从神来的爱和能力,去行爱神爱人的道。Please reveal the light of Your truth and remove the laziness in my heart, unbelief, self-righteousness, deceit, and self-deception. ...
...主耶稣已经指示门徒,跟随耶稣的会为祂的名受逼迫。当被拉去见官时,圣灵会赐当说的话。Jesus had instructed His disciples that those following Him would face persecution for His name's sake. When brought before authorities, the Holy Spirit would provide the words ...
...中却藏着不满、论断、争竞、嫉妒、不服…结果就是被罪欺压。Meanwhile, I maintain outward peace with those around me but harbor discontent, judgment, strife, jealousy, and pride in my heart. The result is being oppressed by sin. 因我们的罪,使神掩面不听我们...
...的打击,都是与我们有益,训练我们的生命更像你,大卫被训练后得到你最佳的称许,他是合神心意的人。Every battle You allow benefits us, training our lives to be more like You. After his training, David received the highest praise from You: he was a man after ...
耶稣被钉十字架的死亡和幔子的裂开向世人显明他是“神的儿子”,The death of Jesus on the cross and the tearing of the curtain
revealed to the world that He was the "Son of God,"就像百夫长看见耶稣死亡的景象宣告说:just as the centurion saw the sc...
...不该受苦,但你是为着爱我们这些罪人的缘故,竟然甘愿被钉十字架,受苦痛,受刑罚,义的代替那不义的,Jesus Christ is the Son of God. You are sinless and should not suffer. Yet, out of love for us sinners, You willingly faced crucifixion, endured p...
...是要提升我们的信心,与你的关系更亲密,叫我们的信心被火试验之后更显宝贵; Lord, in the storms of our lives, every blow and every suffering is because of Your unfailing and endless love. It is for the purpose to strengthen our faith and draw us closer to You, ...
...d Lord lives in me. Holy Spirit, help me to glorify the Father. 耶稣被人藐视厌弃,却使神得荣耀!耶稣降卑至死,却被升为至高!Jesus was despised and rejected by people, but He brought glory to God! Jesus humbled Himself to death, but was exalted to the highest!...