...d after being beaten with rods, they were imprisoned. 虽然他们的自由被限制,却限制不了他们对神的赞美,他们不看身上的伤和当下的处境,而是在黑夜中祷告赞美神,监狱瞬间变成了敬拜神的地方,众囚犯侧耳而听。Although their freedom was ...
... those who believe in Him. 例如:赶鬼、说方言、手能拿蛇、不被毒物所害、按手医病等等。The Lord promised that signs will accompany those who believe in Him. The Lord promised that signs will accompany those who believe in Him, such as driving out demons, speaking in new to...
...爱活在伤口,凡事讨神的喜悦,以神的心为心,在患难中被训练成合神心意的人。He trusted God, loved God and his enemies, feared God, and sought to please Him in all things. David allowed God to shape him into a man after His own heart through trials. 是的,主...